Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pups grow and develop SO quickly

The speed with which pups grow and develop is unbelievable.  When I come home from work, they are noticeably more advanced than when I leave in the morning.

Their body weight has increased from 27% to 42% depending on the pup.  The smallest at birth was 283 grams.  She is now 385 grams.  The largest was 388 grams.  He is now 500 grams.

They no longer just slither on their bellies.  Some push themselves up (just a tiny amount) off the floor with their front paws - like a little push up!

It isn't really surprising when one considers that in two weeks they will be learning to walk.  In three weeks they will jump and run.  And by the time they go home in 8 weeks from now, they will be 5 to 7 lbs.  But even knowing that, I find it fascinating to see the changes happen so quickly.

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